If I’m gonna jump off the cliff, and you’re gonna get pushed off the cliff, why don’t we hold hands on the way down?

Daren’s new job is in construction. Mostly cleaning up finished sites, but he’s done some hole digging and drywall hanging and such as well. He’s bee doing it for a week and he has to have lost at least five pounds already. His pajama pants – pajama pants! – are hanging off his hips. His forearms are rock solid. The work is hard and the pay isn’t great yet, but clearly there are benefits.

He has to be at work at 6:15 so the alarm goes off at 5. This means that I’m up at 5 too. I usually (or used to, I guess) get up at 6 and dang, I miss that extra hour. But the animals have not so far allowed me to go back to sleep. That paired with the Devil Cat being evil in the middle of the night means that I did not sleep much at all this week. Regardless, I was up until 3:30 am baking. I had been watching documentaries on Netflix about how our health is affected by our food and somehow cookies and cupcakes were my response: oatmeal raisin cookies because Darren loves them, and ginger lemon cupcakes because I have some sort of ginger obsession. They’re not gingery enough even though I added extra, but the lemon glaze I put on top is pretty stellar.

This in spite of the fact that the documentary about veganism (Vegucated) was almost enough to convince me to eat tofu and fake eggs. Almost. I’d recommend the others, though: Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead and Hungry for Change.

Today I slept until after noon.

I’m going to Northern Spark tonight with some pals, and that just reminded me I should charge my camera. I suspect/have been told that it’s going to be super cool. Let’s hope it doesn’t rain too terribly, I don’t want to have to carry an umbrella all night but maybe I’ll have to. I suppose that’s not a huge price to pay in exchange for an awesome time. Sadly I have to miss out on the sweet 40s themed dance that my aforementioned pals are attending beforehand. We’re still under austerity measures until Darren starts getting paid. Fortunately that is very soon.

Anyway, I’m in the Mark Harmon episodes of The West Wing, so clearly I have pressing matters to attend to.

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